November 22


Lessons with the Italian students

Group 1 '
8.00-8.50, Teacher Sicher, English, 3^LES-A

Group 2:
8.00-8.50, teacher Ansaloni, Philosophy, 3^LES-B

Visit Mezzolombardo (only American students, teacher Antonietta Deldot).

Meeting-place for the American and the host students: school hall. Trip to Trento . Lunch. Visit of the Museum “Muse” (teachers Irene Cagol and Maria Malerba)
18.00 Departure from Trento . Return home with partners.



In front of school in Mezzolombardo

The Franciscan Convent

The oldest part of the Convent
Friar Francesco gave us a wonderful introduction and short tour about the Franciscan Friars

Up up up to the oldest part of town---today the cemetary

Learning about the grave yards and graves in Italy

Mezzolombardo Christmas Market

Students always find bargains

Off to the Muse in Trento

Science Museum Muse


Franciscan Friars

Francis of Assisi

La Befana