November 18


8 am Meeting-place for the American and the host students: school hall. Trip to Bolzano . Walking tour of the city and visit of the Archeological Museum (Ötzi)
Interviews about “renewable energy”. (teachers: Maria Malerba and Alessia Ansaloni)

18.00 Return in front of school


Charging up on espresso at the vending machine in school

"we need this at HHS"

"I will take the machine with me"

Touring Bolzano, Italy--a German speaking town

Taking notes in journals

In front of the Cathedral

All books in church are in German

In the Archeological Museum to see Ötzi, the Iceman

Jacob found a new buddy

Listening to information about Ötzi

Inside a church with amazing frescoes

Castle in Bolzano


University Library

Journal Check on bus!


Alto Adige -- Südtirol