November 16


School --Power Points

Project Trentino -- VA/WV

Today we were giving our Power Point presentations with Karaoke intermissions
Isaak showing off his new Italian soccer jersey
Italian students in the audience were asking questions ....
...our students provided the answers
Cheyenne is talking about the Davis House and Hampshire County
Allie and Kerri making the American flag presentation
.... students demonstrate the Pledge
WV History with Maegan and Rachel assisting
In the lab working on a history comparison lesson between Trentino and VA/WV
Coming together to analyze the findings and discussion
American students also got to grade the student presentations about Trentino/VA/WV history
Isaak, Michael, Dennis and Rachel went to the primary/elementary school with Ms. Evert
4th grade class with American students -- 4th graders speaking ENGLISH!!!!

(not to mention--they speak German as well .....)

the "Bicycle Thief"