There are so many reasons why I would love to go to Italy.
A number of my friends who have gone to Italy in past years have told me
about their wonderful experiences and great times.
I have taken three years of German and am planning to take German four
next year. This trip will give me a
chance to learn about other cultures, practice my German and experience a
different way of life.
I love to travel, but have never gone outside the United States.
I also enjoy meeting new people and trying new things.
I believe that this trip will be filled with those things.
I have also seen many beautiful pictures of Italy from past exchange
students and in German class. I
would like to actually see what those places are like by experiencing those
places in Italy myself.
I believe that by participating in the Italian Exchange VIII trip, I will
have a better understanding of Italian education, foods, home life, beliefs, and
interests. This would benefit me as a student because it will help to get me
ready for life after school. Italy
would show me how things are different everywhere you go.
Being sheltered in the mountains of West Virginia is nice, but it is
always good to get out of the hole to find new ones.
I live in Romney, West Virginia with my mother, father, and younger
brother. We are all very close to
each other. At least one of my
parents will always be there to pick me up from practice and to watch me play in
a game. The other one is usually
doing the same thing for my brother. Every
night that we are home, we sit down and eat dinner together as a family.
We also regularly attend the Romney Presbyterian Church.
I have many interests which include sports, listening to music, being
with friends and much more. I am
very active in my school. I am a member of HOSA (Health Occupation Students of
America), Varsity Club, National Honors Society, and FIA (Faith in Action). I also play volleyball, basketball, and softball for
the High School. Outside of school,
I am a member of my church youth group, local 4-H club, and I serve on SPYCE
(Shenandoah Presbytery Youth Council Extraordinaire). I also love the outdoors
and going shopping. I am a dedicated student at my high school.
I am an honors student and maintain a 4.1 GPA.
I am planning on going to college to become a pharmacist. My health is very important to me. I do not like cigarette smoke and would appreciate it if I did not have to be in that environment throughout the trip. For me, this is a once in a lifetime chance to travel to a foreign country with a group of people my own age. Being able to meet other students my age from Italy will be a great experience that I will always remember for my entire life.