"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." -Lao Tsu-
One journey that I would adore to repeat again is the one to Italy. This journey will definitely be a step in the right direction. Ever since my first journey or trip to Europe I have been fascinated with traveling abroad. The first experience I had was going to the medieval city of Prague, Czech Republic for my Aunt’s wedding, when I was only in third grade. I didn’t know what to expect, but was very pleasantly surprised by my extraordinary experiences. That was a once in a lifetime experience that I was not positive I would ever get to experience again. Opportunely, I was given the chance again and I jumped at it. I applied for the 2004 exchange trip and was successfully accepted and completed the journey. The new experience abroad made me want to go again on the 2005 exchange trip.
The remarkable experiences I had on both Exchanges were ones that are truly unforgettable. Words cease to describe everything about these extraordinary trips. The hospitality of the Italians is truly wonderful. Their sincere and kind attitudes make you feel so comfortable in surroundings that you other wise would not be comfortable with and make you feel at home. From the moment you meet up with teachers and the principal at the airport in Milan you feel so welcome.
All of the Italians make the experience that much more enjoyable. Mrs. Hott is so fortunate to have found such a wonderful school to do the exchange with. The students and staff of Istituto Superiore Langrangia are truly wonderful people to do this exchange with.
I am pleased to say that I am a world traveler and a global citizen. My travels have made me a well-rounded individual and a better person. You really haven’t been anywhere until you have experience a different culture and lifestyle. If I had not gone on either of these exchanges I feel I would be a much more close minded person, but since I have been exposed to this new culture and lifestyle it has broaden my horizon. This type of experience is something more of us should experience. The Italian Exchange Program is a wonderful learning experience and has added greatly to my education. It’s truly mesmerizing how much you can learn in a period of three weeks.
There are so many numerous reasons for me to list for wanting to return to Italy I don’t think I could list them all, the food, the people, the hospitality, the sites, museums, amazing cities, shopping, etc., etc. I have enjoyed all the aspects of the trip and had a wonderful time learning at the same time. The trip has been worth the makeup work and all of the extra time put in before we journey to Italy. I love the program and hope to be going again. Maybe I will be writing to you next from my journal. I am so glad that I have gone through the program and hope to make this trip my third experience.